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Home Textile Companies (2024 - 2029)

Several globally recognized companies have made significant strides in the home textiles industry. These companies, which include major retail chains, luxury brands, and manufacturing conglomerates, have made their mark through a combination of quality products, innovative designs, and strategic marketing. The industry is highly competitive, with firms continuously striving to offer unique and attractive products to gain a competitive edge. These companies have shown resilience in the face of market challenges, adapting to changes in consumer preferences and technological advancements to maintain their position in the market.

Top Companies in Home Textile Market

This report lists the top Home Textile companies based on the 2023 & 2024 market share reports. Mordor Intelligence expert advisors conducted extensive research and identified these brands to be the leaders in the Home Textile industry.

  1. Welspun Group

  2. Spring Global

  3. Ralph Lauren

  4. Trident Group

  5. IKEA System B.V.

*Disclaimer: Top companies sorted in no particular order

Home Textile Market Major Players

Home Textile Market Concentration

Home Textile  Market Concentration

Home Textile Company List

                              • Welspun Group

                              • Spring Global

                              • Ralph Lauren

                              • Trident Group

                              • New Sega Home Textiles

                              • Shenzhen Fuana Household Products Co, Ltd.

                              • Bed Bath & Beyond

                              • IKEA System B.V.

                              • Franco Textiles

                              • H&M Home

                              • Marvic Textiles*

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                          Competitive Landscape Report Includes

                          Company Profiles (includes Global Level Overview, Market Level Overview, Core Business Segments, Financials, Headcount, Key Information, Market Rank, Market Share, Products and Services, and Analysis of Recent Developments). Key Strategic Moves, Market Share Analysis, Company Landscape, and List of Companies.

                          Home Textile Market Companies Summary

                          The home textile market is experiencing steady growth, largely due to an increase in consumer spending on home renovation and a rising real estate market. This growth is particularly noticeable in the United States and Europe, which together constitute over 50% of home textile imports. Key suppliers include countries like India, China, and Pakistan. The market faced disruption during the pandemic due to supply chain restrictions, but it has since returned to its pre-pandemic status following the lifting of these restrictions. Government focus and favorable regulatory policies have also played a significant role in market growth, leading to increased investments and further market development. However, the market faces challenges such as high logistics costs. Other factors contributing to market growth include the rising popularity of smart homes, global infrastructural development, and changes in residential and commercial interior design. The home textile market is expected to continue growing during the forecast period.

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                          Home Textile Companies - Table of Contents

                          1. 1. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE

                            1. 1.1 Market Concetration Overview

                            2. 1.2 Company Profiles

                              1. 1.2.1 Welspun Group

                              2. 1.2.2 Spring Global

                              3. 1.2.3 Ralph Lauren

                              4. 1.2.4 Trident Group

                              5. 1.2.5 New Sega Home Textiles

                              6. 1.2.6 Shenzhen Fuana Household Products Co, Ltd.

                              7. 1.2.7 Bed Bath & Beyond

                              8. 1.2.8 IKEA System B.V.

                              9. 1.2.9 Franco Textiles

                              10. 1.2.10 H&M Home

                              11. 1.2.11 Marvic Textiles*

                            3. *List Not Exhaustive

                          Home Textile Companies FAQs

                          Welspun Group, Spring Global, Ralph Lauren, Trident Group and IKEA System B.V. are the major companies operating in the Home Textile Market.

                          Home Textile Market Size - Industry Report on Share, Growth Trends & Forecasts Analysis (2024 - 2029)