Swarm Intelligence Market Share

Statistics for the 2023 & 2024 Swarm Intelligence market share, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Swarm Intelligence share report includes a market forecast to 2028 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry share analysis as a free report PDF download.

Market Share of Swarm Intelligence Industry

The Swarm Intelligence market is moderately competitive and consists of a few major players. In terms of market share, some of the players currently dominate the market. However, with the advancement in behavioral intelligence, new players are increasing their market presence thereby expanding their business footprint across the emerging economies.

  • February 2019 - Unanimous AI created Swarm, the world's first AI platform that amplifies the intelligence of business teams. This breakthrough technology has been used to improve diagnostic accuracy, financial market forecasting, and provide insight into a wide variety of complex problems.
  • July 2018 - Swarm Technology aims to enable fleets of drones and robots to collaborate on shared tasks. The company demonstrated four autonomous vehicles powered by Atmel 8-bit microcontrollers working in tandem to balance on a see-sawing board. A controller board reported to the group over a Zigbee network changes in the board’s axis and each responded using a patented approach for sharing intent.

Swarm Intelligence Market Leaders

  1. Unanimous AI

  2. Swarm Technology

  3. ConvergentAI Inc.

  4. Valutico UK Ltd

  5. Swarm Systems Limited

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

Swarm Intelligence Market Analysis